
A powerful, secure, yet simple system providing pervasive connectivity.

The WaveTunnel network, powered by VineSuite software, uses 60GHz nodes for non-line-of-sight operation, supporting up to 2Gbps now and scaling to 20Gbps.

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Advanced beam steering navigates obstacles, eliminating the need for construction and cabling. This allows for faster upgrades in days, substantial labor savings, and acts as a distributed IDF, removing the need for HVAC rooms for IDF switches. WaveTunnel offers seamless, cost-effective deployment, enhancing connectivity without disrupting your environment.

Flexible and Resilient Deployment Options

WaveTunnel creates a flexible network, navigating corridors, bending around corners, and penetrating concrete with the WaveCore™ for comprehensive coverage. Nodes operate in ring or spur configurations, eliminating the need for construction and cabling, enabling faster upgrades, and reducing labor costs.
The WaveCore has the unique ability to penetrate 8+ inches of concrete at multi-gigabit speeds. Whether it’s a server room, a firewall or just part of the standard building construction, concrete is a fact of life. With the WaveCore we eliminate the need for core drilling and the attendant x-rays, permits and inspections.

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